This is the result of our work, for which we are working hard. Freshly roasted coffee in a grain and a cup. Fragrant and full of taste.
This is the result of our work, for which we are working hard. Freshly roasted coffee in a grain and a cup. Fragrant and full of taste.
Professional equipment TM Casadio and Faema
Automatic and Semi-automatic coffeemachines
Professional Casadio coffee grinders
Код ЄДРПОУ 40769516
Юр.адреса: 04071 Україна, м.Київ, вул. Ярославська, буд. 6
Факт. адреса: м.Київ, вул. Магнітогорська, 1-А
tel.: +38 050 415 09 15
Cafe: Kyiv, str. Reitarska, 15